Enomax Safaris


Our Top Popular Destinations

Lake Mburo National Park

The park is more popular for its population of grazers including the defassa waterbuck,,three (3) species of topi,bohor reedbuck,healthy number of fer..................

Bwindi Impenetrable

Located in southwestern Uganda, at the junction of the plain and mountain forests, Bwindi Park covers 32,000 ha and is known for its exceptional biodiversity, with more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns including the mountain gorilla.

Mt.Rwenzori Uganda

Mountain Rwenzori is known for their green vegetation that ranges from tropical rainforest through alpine meadows to snow and most of the range is now a World Heritage Site

Queen Elizabeth NP

Located in western Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park is Uganda’s most popular national park. Adventurers are drawn by Queen's unique combination of forests, grasslands, and water-scapes

Sempaya Hot Springs

The Sempaya hot springs are located in two places and are know as male and female springs, the springs are one of the Semliki national park attractions, it's waters eject clouds of steam as far as 2kms, this hot springs attract a lot of wetland birds and aquatic animals but animals can't sadly...............................

Kidepo Valley NP

Kidepo valley national park is an Important Birding Safaris Area in Uganda with close to 450 bird species and a dream Uganda tour destination for bird watching expeditions. A dozen out of the 50 birds of prey species in Uganda are endemic in the Karamoja region.